Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Clay Aiken - Sacrificial Love

Sometimes I feel like
I'm chasing the shadows in your eyes
Losing my footing and looking for something
I recognize

You tell me you're here for forever
But act like you're passing through
Which one's the real you
Which one's the real you

Are you only
Practicing until you find the real thing
Taking up space
Until you find yourself that perfect face
Are you looking
Over my shoulder
Am I enough
Or just your sacrificial love

I know when we started
That I kind of talked you into this
I was good for the moment
But now something's missing
From your kiss

I see you lying beside me
But I feel you're moving on
Which one's the real you
Which one's the real you

Are you only
Practicing until you find the real thing
Taking up space
Until you find yourself that perfect face
Are you looking
Over my shoulder
Am I enough
Or just your sacrificial love

Do I have to spill my tears
Teach you how to say goodbye
If that's not what I am to you
Then what am I
What am I

Are you only
Practicing until you find the real thing
Taking up space
Until you find yourself that perfect face
Are you looking
Over my shoulder
Am I enough
Or just your sacrificial love

without you - Mariah Carey

No I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way
The story goes
You always smile but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

No I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there
But then I let you go
And now it's only fair
That I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live If living is without you
I can't live I can't give anymor
I can't live If living is without you
I can't give I can't give anymore

Well I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way
The story goes
You always smile but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows

I can't live If living is without you
I can't live I can't give any more
I can't live If living is without you
I can't give I can't give anymore

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012



Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Lirik Lagu Once – Symphony Yang Indah

Alun sebuah symphony
Kata hati disadari
Merasuk sukma kalbuku
Dalam hati ada satu
Manis lembut bisikanmu
Merdu lirih suaramu
Bagai pelita hidupku

Berkilauan bintang malam
Semilir angin pun sejuk
Seakan hidup mendatang
Dapat ku tempuh denganmu

Berpadunya dua insan
Symphony dan keindahan
Melahirkan kedamaian
Melahirkan kedamaian

Syair dan melodi
Kau bagai aroma penghapus pilu
Gelora di hati
Bak mentari kau sejukkan hatiku

Burung-burung pun bernyanyi
Bunga-bunga pun tersenyum
Melihat kau hibur hatiku
Hatiku mekar kembali
Terhibur symphony
Pasti hidupku ‘kan bahagia

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Lirik Lagu Kia Afi - Harus Sampai Disini lyric

Tibalah waktunya
Di penghujung rinduku
Perpisahan adalah kenyataan

Katakan padaku
Walau dengan air mata
Yang jatuh membasahi bumi

Harus Disinilah
Kita berpisah
Lambaikan tanganmu

Pejamkan matamu
Di penghabisan seluruh rindumu
Harus sampai disini

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


Don't know how long
It's been a while since
You told me...your favorite story
It's been on my mind
Driving me crazy
Am I the reason that (you're crying now) harmony
I see the tears in your eyes
They tell me you don't believe
That I can't be...your prince charming.
Maybe you can't understand
But when you (said you loved me)
My life was (changed
And I wish you could see)
I'm willing to
be the one
and the angel that you love
with open arms
I'll always be there
You must believe
That you and me
Will end up living happily
In our own fairytale story

Verse 2: in chinese

I see the tears in your eyes
They tell me you don't believe
That I can't be...your prince charming.

Maybe you can't understand
But when you said you loved me
My life was changed
And I wish you could see

In chinese

Hook 2:


I want to be
be the one
and the angel that you love
with open arms
I'll always be there

You must believe
That you and me
Will end up living happily
In our own fairytale story


ni ku zhe dui wo shuo
You told me as you cried

tong hua li dou shi pian ren de
That everything in fairy tales are all lies

wo bu ke neng shi ni de wang zi
I couldn't possibly be your prince.

ye xu ni bu hui dong
But perhaps you don't understand either

cong ni shuo ai wo yi hou
Ever since you told me you loved me

wo de tian kong xing xing dou liang le
All the stars in my sky have brightened.

wo yuan bian cheng tong hua li
I'm willing to become the one in the fairy tale

ni ai de ne ge tian shi
The angel that you love

zhang kai shuang shou
I extend this pair of hands

bian cheng chi bang shou hu ni
and turn them into wings to protect you

ni yao xiang xin
You must believe

xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li
Believe we will be like we are in a fairy tale

xing fu he kuai le shi jie ju
Where blessings and happiness is the ending

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Untuk Renungan: ”Papa, kembalikan tangan Ita…..“

Sebuah kisah untuk dijadikan pengalaman dan pengajaran……Sebagai ibu kita patut juga menghalangi perbuatan suami memukul. Khususnya pada anak-anak yang masih kecil dan tak tahu apa-apa. Mengajar dgn cara memukul bukanlah cara terbaik, mungkin sudah sampai waktunya untuk badan2 kebajikan educate untuk praktekkan konsep ‘time out” jika anak2 buat salah.

Begini kisah nyatanya:
Sepasang suami isteri seperti pasangan lain di kota-kota besar meninggalkan anak-anak untuk diasuh pembantu rumah ketika mereka bekerja. Anak tunggal pasangan ini, perempuan berusia tiga setengah tahun. Sendirian di rumah, dia sering dibiarkan pembantunya yang sibuk bekerja.

Dia bermain diluar rumah. Dia bermain ayunan, berayun-ayun di atas ayunan yang dibeli papanya, ataupun memetik bunga matahari, bunga kertas dan lain-lain di halaman rumahnya.

Suatu hari dia melihat sebatang paku karat. Dia pun mencoret semen tempat mobil ayahnya diparkirkan tetapi karena lantainya terbuat dari marmer, coretan tidak kelihatan. Dicobanya pada mobil baru ayahnya. Ya… karena mobil itu bewarna gelap, coretannya tampak jelas. Apa lagi kanak-kanak ini pun membuat coretan sesuai dengan kreativitasnya.

Hari itu bapak dan ibunya mengendarai motor ke tempat kerja karena ada perayaan Thaipusam sehingga jalanan macet. Setelah penuh coretan yg sebelah kanan dia beralih ke sebelah kiri mobil. Dibuatnya gambar ibu dan ayahnya, gambarnya sendiri, lukisan ayam, kucing dan lain sebagainya mengikut imaginasinya. Kejadian itu berlangsung tanpa disadari si pembantu rumah.

Pulang petang itu, terkejutlah ayah ibunya melihat mobil yang baru setahun dibeli dengan angsuran. Si bapak yang belum lagi masuk ke rumah ini pun terus menjerit, “Kerjaan siapa ini?” Pembantu rumah yang tersentak dengan jeritan itu berlari keluar. Dia juga beristighfar. Mukanya merah padam ketakutan lebih2 melihat wajah bengis tuannya.

Sekali lagi diajukan pertanyaan keras kepadanya, dia terus mengatakan ‘Tak tahu… !” “Kamu dirumah sepanjang hari, apa saja yg kau lakukan?” hardik si isteri lagi.Si anak yang mendengar suara ayahnya, tiba-tiba berlari keluar dari kamarnya. Dengan penuh manja dia berkata “Ita yg membuat itu papa…. cantik kan!” katanya sambil memeluk papanya ingin bermanja seperti biasa. Si ayah yang hilang kesabaran mengambil sebatang ranting kecil dari pohon bunga raya di depannya, terus dipukulkannya berkali2 ke telapak tangan anaknya.

Si anak yang tak mengerti apa-apa terlolong-lolong kesakitan sekaligus ketakutan. Puas memukul telapak tangan, si ayah memukul pula belakang tangan anaknya. Si ibu cuma mendiamkan saja, seolah merestui dan merasa puas dengan hukuman yang dikenakan. Pembantu rumah terbengong, tdk tahu hrs berbuat apa?. Si bapak cukup rakus memukul-mukul tangan kanan dan kemudian tangan kiri anaknya.

Setelah si bapak masuk ke rumah dituruti si ibu, pembantu rumah menggendong anak kecil itu, membawanya ke kamar. Dilihatnya telapak tangan dan belakang tangan si anak kecil luka2 dan berdarah. Pembantu rumah memandikan anak kecil itu. Sambil menyiram air sambil dia ikut menangis. Anak kecil itu juga terjerit-jerit menahan kepedihan saat luka2nya itu terkena air. Si pembantu rumah kemudian menidurkan anak kecil itu. Si bapak sengaja membiarkan anak itu tidur bersama pembantu rumah.

Keesokkan harinya, kedua-dua belah tangan si anak bengkak. Pembantu rumah mengadu. “Oleskan obat saja!” jawab tuannya, bapak si anak. Pulang dari kerja, dia tidak memperhatikan anak kecil itu yang menghabiskan waktu di kamar pembantu. Si bapak konon mau mengajar anaknya. Tiga hari berlalu, si ayah tidak pernah menjenguk anaknya sementara si ibu juga begitu tetapi setiap hari bertanya kepada pembantu rumah. “Ita demam…
” jawap pembantunya ringkas.”Kasih minum panadol ,” jawab si ibu.

Sebelum si ibu masuk kamar tidur dia menjenguk kamar pembantunya. Saat dilihat anaknya Ita dalam pelukan pembantu rumah, dia menutup lg pintu kamar pembantunya. Masuk hari keempat, pembantu rumah memberitahukan tuannya bahwa suhu badan Ita terlalu panas. “Sore nanti kita bawa ke klinik. Pukul 5.00 siap” kata majikannya itu. Sampai saatnya si anak yang sudah lemah dibawa ke klinik. Dokter mengarahkan ia dirujuk ke hospital karena keadaannya serius. Setelah seminggu di rawat inap doktor memanggil bapak dan ibu anak itu.

“Tidak ada pilihan..” katanya yang mengusulkan agar kedua tangan anak itu dipotong karena gangren yang terjadi sudah terlalu parah.
“Ia sudah bernanah, demi menyelamatkan nyawanya kedua tangannya perlu dipotong dari siku ke bawah” kata doktor.

Si bapak dan ibu bagaikan terkena halilintar mendengar kata-kata itu. Terasa dunia berhenti berputar, tapi apa yg dapat dikatakan. Si ibu meraung merangkul si anak. Dengan berat hati dan lelehan air mata isterinya, si bapak terketar-ketar menandatangani surat persetujuan pembedahan.

Keluar dari bilik pembedahan, selepas obat bius yang suntikkan habis, si anak menangis kesakitan. Dia juga heran2 melihat kedua tangannya berbalut kasa putih. Ditatapnya muka ayah dan ibunya. Kemudian ke wajah pembantu rumah. Dia mengerutkan dahi melihat mereka semua menangis. Dalam siksaan menahan sakit, si anak bersuara dalam linangan air mata.

“Papa.. Mama… Ita tidak akan melakukannya lagi. Ita tak mau dipukul papa. Ita tak mau jahat. Ita sayang papa.. sayang mama.” katanya berulang kali membuatkan si ibu gagal menahan rasa sedihnya.

“Ita juga sayang Kak Narti..” katanya memandang wajah pembantu rumah, sekaligus membuatkan gadis dari Surabaya itu meraung histeris.

“Papa.. kembalikan tangan Ita. Untuk apa ambil.. Ita janji tdk akan mengulanginya lagi! Bagaimana caranya Ita mau makan nanti? Bagaimana Ita mau bermain nanti? Ita janji tdk akan mencoret2 mobil lagi,” katanya berulang-ulang.

Serasa copot jantung si ibu mendengar kata-kata anaknya. Meraung2 dia sekuat hati namun takdir yang sudah terjadi, tiada manusia dapat menahannya.


Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

One day at a time - Jonas Brothers

Wednesday I came home from school
Did my homework in my room
then I watched some TV
I still miss you
Thursday morning went online
Got to school at half past nine
Wound up in detention
I still miss you

Everything I do (oh)
brings me back to you

And I die
One day at a time
'Cause I just cant seem to get you off my mind
No matter how I try
try to kill the time
well I think that im just going crazy
one day at a time

Friday I got out of bed
Tried to smile frowned instead
Burnt some toast for breakfast
I still miss you
Saturday I turned 16
Never dreamt you'd act so mean
You didn't even call me
But I still miss you

And When I turn 94
I think ill miss u even more

And I die
One day at a time
'Cause I just can't seem to get you off my mind
No matter how I try
try to kill the time
well I think that im just going crazy
one day at a time

I miss you more than I did a min ago
I Climb a mountain just to here your echo (hoo, hoo)
All I wanted was you
Tell me please do u think of me now and then
Cause if I never see you again
I still miss you

And I die
One day at a time
'Cause I just can't seem to get you off my mind
No matter how I try
try to kill the time
well I think that im just going craaazy
one day at a time

(Oooo) one day at a time
Well I think that im just going crazy one day at a time
Oo I think im going crazy ooooooo
One day at a time

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Yo te amo-chayanne

En palabras simples y comunes yo te extraño
En lenguaje terrenal mi vida eres tu
En total simplicidad seria yo te amo
Y en un trozo de poesia tu seras mi luz, mi bien
El espacio donde me alimento de tu piel que es bondad
La fuerza que me mueve dentro para recomenzar
y en tu cuerpo encontrar la paz

Si la vida me permite a lado tuyo
Creceran mis ilusiones no lo dudo
Y si la vida la perdiera en un instante
Que me llene de ti para amar despues de amarte...vida

No tengas miedo ni dudas
(choro) este amor es demasiado bueno
Que tu seras mi mujer
(choro) yo te pertenezco todo entero
Mira mi pecho, lo dejo abierto
Para que vivas en el

Para tu tranquilidad me tienes en tus manos
Para mi debilidad la única eres tu
Al final tan solo se que siempre te he esperado
Y que llegas a mi vida
Y tu me das la luz del bien
Ese mundo donde tus palabras hacen su voluntad
La magia de este sentimiento que es tan fuerte y total
Y tus ojos que son mi paz

Si la vida me permite a lado tuyo
Creceran mis ilusiones no lo dudo
Si la vida la perdiera en un instante
Que me llene de ti para amar despues de amarte...vida

No tengas miedo ni dudas
(choro) este amor es demasiado bueno
Que tu seras mi mujer
(choro) yo te pertenezco todo entero
Mira mi pecho, lo dejo abierto
Para que vivas en el x4

Mariah Carey - Through The Rain

When you get caught in the rain
With nowhere to run
When you’re distraught
And in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved
But nobody comes
And you feel so far away
That you just can’t find your way home
You can get there alone, it’s ok
Once you say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I make it through the rain
(Vocal improvisation)
And if you keep falling down
Don’t you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound
So keep pressing on steadfastly
And you’ll find what you need to prevail
Once you say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I make it through the rain
And when the wind blows
And shadows grow close
Don’t be afraid
There’s nothing you can’t face
And should they tell you
You’ll never pull through
Don’t hesitate
Stand tall and say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again
On my own and I know
That I’m strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day
And I make it through the rain
I can make it through the rain
Can stand up once again
And I’ll live one more day, and I
I can make it through the rain
Oh yes you can
You’re gonna make it through the rain

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Paul Baloche - He Knows My Name (I Have A Maker) lyrics

I have a maker
Before my heart,
before even time began
My life was in His hands

He knows my name
He knows my every thought,
He sees each tear that falls
and hears me when I call

I have a father,
he calls me his own
He'll never leave me,
no matter where I go

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and hears me when I call

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and hears me when I call

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call
He hears me when I call

PERSAHABATAN - Worship Generation




Once - Simphony yang indah

Alun sebuah symphony
Kata hati disadari
Merasuk sukma kalbuku
Dalam hati ada satu
Manis lembut bisikanmu
Merdu lirih suaramu
Bagai pelita hidupku

Berkilauan bintang malam
Semilir angin pun sejuk
Seakan hidup mendatang
Dapat ku tempuh denganmu
Berpadunya dua insan
Symphony dan keindahan
Melahirkan kedamaian
Melahirkan kedamaian

Syair dan melodi
Kau bagai aroma penghapus pilu
Gelora di hati
Bak mentari kau sejukkan hatiku

Burung-burung pun bernyanyi
Bunga-bunga pun tersenyum
Melihat kau hibur hatiku
Hatiku mekar kembali
Terhibur symphony
Pasti hidupku ‘kan bahagia

me N friend's

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

orang yang berpeluang besar membuat kita bahagia sekaligus membuat kita terluka sangat dalam adalah orang  yang paling dekat dengan kita

~ Lisa_Ary ~

Senin, 30 April 2012

jangan angkuh dengan apa yang telah kau raih sekarang karena dibaliknya ada dukungan dan doa orang - orang yang menyayangimu

~  Lisa_Ary~

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Mencintai dengan sempurna orang - orang yang kita miliki, 

lebih bijak

daripada mencari orang - orang yang mencintai kita dengan sempurna
~ Lisa _Ary ~

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

jangan pernah berjanji jika tidak bisa menepati
karena janji seperti hutang yang harus dilunasi !

~ Lisa _Ary ~

Perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik harus disertai tindakan nyata bukan hanya perkataan !
~  Lisa_Ary ~

Say It Isn't So - Gareth Gates

Skies are dark its time for rain
Final call you board the train
Heading for tomorrow
I wave goodbye to yesterday
Wipe the tears that hide your face
Blinded by the sorrow
How can i be smiling like before?
When baby you dont love me anymore


Say it isn't so
Tell me your not leaving

Say you changed your mind now
That I am only dreaming
But this is not goodbye
This is starting over
If you wanna know, I dont wanna let go
So say it isnt so

Ten to five at least we tried
We're still alive but hope has died
As they closed the door behind you
Whistle blows the turns of steel
Shake the ground beneth the wheels
As I wish I never found you
How can I be smiling when your gone?
Will I be strong enough to carry on?


Miles and miles to go
Before I can sing
Before i can lay my love for you to sleep
Oh darling, no
I got miles and miles to go
before anyone will hear me laugh again

Say it isn't so
Tell me your not leaving
Say you changed your mind now
That I am only dreaming
But this is not goodbye
This is starting over
If you wanna know, I dont wanna let go

Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here Lyrics

[Verse 1]
It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...

If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

[Verse 2]
Standing here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...

[Bridge 2]
My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

[Bridge 3]
Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...


Hari Sabtu, 28 April 2012 ... turut bangga dgn prestasi  JUARA I Lomba / Festival Sayang Rupiah yg d selenggarakn Bank Indonesia Makassar oleh Felix Filmore C, Jazz W. Lowanugra, Wynne Wijaya, Imelda Widanata, Della Anastasia Candra, Alvin Candra Putra ...:)
Langkah awal keberhasilan kalian akan selalu jadi patokan pemenang berikutx:)

tak pernah ada yang sia - sia jika kita mau berusaha, iklas mngerjakan sesuatu, dan mnyerahkan hasil akhir pada-Nya ....
~ Lisa Ary ~

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Temukan Arti Dari Huruf Namamu!

Quiz Platform

Dear MELISSA NASAL ARY, berikut ini adalah Arti Dari Huruf Namamu:

M = selalu sibuk dan dihormati
E = sederhana, senang dimanja
L = lincah dan mudah frustasi
I = suka memberi dan menyendiri
S = sosial, keras hati
S = sosial, keras hati
A = tanggung jawab,keras kepala
N = giat bekerja, banyak berpikir
A = tanggung jawab,keras kepala
S = sosial, keras hati
A = tanggung jawab,keras kepala
L = lincah dan mudah frustasi
A = tanggung jawab,keras kepala
R = mandiri, penuh kreasi
Y = perayu, mau menang sendiri


I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier than ever
We small talk, work, and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why

Because the last time you saw me
It still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
Saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you
Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all the time

These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When you birthday passed
And I didn't call

Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing
From the passenger side
And I realized I loved you in the fall

And then the cold came, the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love
And all I gave you was goodbye                                                                                   
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
Saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time

It turns out freedom aint nothing but missing you
Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms
That September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

back to #